Player ceriseorange posted a message on 24/04 12:38 on the Wonderz & QuoVerbis Forum: cherry orange poem. Answer him on Wonderz & QuoVerbis and exchange with other players

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Subject :  cherry orange poem
24/04/2015 12:38:24

First smile of spring
While men are running for their perverse
Mars, laughing despite the showers, secretly
prepares for spring.
For the little daisies,
wisely, when everything is asleep,
He ironed the flanges
and carved the buttercups.
In the orchard and in the vineyard,
He goes stealthy wigmaker,
With a swan's tassel,
Powder the almond tree to cold.
Nature in bed rests,
He goes down to the deserted
garden and lace the rosebuds
in their green velvet corset.
Then, when his work is done,
And his reign will end,
On the threshold of April, turning his head,
He says: "Spring, you can come."
Théophile Gautier
First smile of spring
While men run panting for their perverse
Mars laughs, despite the showers, secretly
prepares spring.
For the little daisies,
wisely, when everything is asleep,
He ironed the flanges
and carved the buttercups.
In the orchard and in the vineyard,
He goes stealthy wigmaker,
With a swan's tassel,
Powder the almond tree to cold.
Nature in bed rests,
He goes down to the deserted
garden and lace the rosebuds
in their green velvet corset.
Then, when his work is done,
And his reign will end,
On the threshold of April, turning his head,
He says: "Spring, you can come."
Théophile Gautier

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