Player idujour posted a message on 15/04 10:35 on the Wonderz & QuoVerbis Forum: Another game limited in points!!!!!!. Answer him on Wonderz & QuoVerbis and exchange with other players
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no we are not trying to recover from the 15 Rounds offered and besides we have absolutely not touched the attribution of scores since, so there are no drops in the MadPoints awarded!
However, I do confirm that on Alert O'Fish (which is a new game), there is a maximum score. This is not necessarily fixed definitively, once again it is a new game and we do not yet have much feedback on the performances achieved, and it is quite possible that it will evolve if we see that there are players who are much stronger than we thoughtCongrats to you!) and who are therefore limited because of this maximum!
It's still incredible these limitations! For example, I play alert o'fish, I score about 30,000, it gives me 150 madpoints, I score 35,000, it always gives 150 madpoints! Ditto for twister limited to 65 points! Frankly, it's not the number of times we succeed in achieving such scores that will put the site in danger! So let us enjoy the great scores with a number of madpoints proportional to the scores! Thank you in advance.]]🙁]]🙁]]🙁