Player iriskel posted a message on 07/12 12:25 on the Wonderz & QuoVerbis Forum: Limited time games. Answer him on Wonderz & QuoVerbis and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Limited time games
24/12/2007 06:32:29

hello there was a time when I was winning quite regularly and now nothing anymore yet I still played quite a bit for my taste but it's like that good day

07/12/2007 12:46:05

This is a modified message:
Hello 🙋 I

understand that we don't find it "cool" but when you playPlay is very clearly marked "you have xx participations to use before xx/xx" !

If you buy a cinema ticket and arrive late, you will not be transferred to the next session, even if it is the same film....

Likewise, when a game is finished, it is finished! The rules of the game must be respected by everyone, that is to say us... but also you! This is absolutely necessary to preserve fairness between players!

I'm really sorry for the Rounds you lost, and I don't know what the answer will be from Customer Service, but I strongly encourage you to read the rules of our games now!

Good games!
The Web'.

07/12/2007 12:25:48

I left a message about this to customer service I haven't had the answer yet but I would like to know what you think about it? I bought credits on 04/12, which gave me 75 wheel Turns at Flash Winner, I used them and even bought 30 to 40 of +, ( it's so depressing to see that people earn 4,5,6.......times/day) and I couldn't exhaust all my Turns and the new game that has the same system though, they took away what was left of me ! perso I find it not cool ! I don't see why not transfer to the Christmas Game? as a prize if I can say it's rather failed ! especially since I paid them! No need to argue! especially those who still agree with the site ! I prefer honest and friendly answers ! No need for unpleasant answers, just what vs. what you think, thanks to you!

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