Player opopope posted a message on 02/07 16:30 on the Wonderz & QuoVerbis Forum: Unsubscribe. Answer him on Wonderz & QuoVerbis and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Unsubscribe
19/07/2007 23:13:26

Good evening opopope 🙋 Stay

with us! Maybe you are a beginner on MadWin but don't despair!

When I signed up on MadWin, at the very beginning I thought about unsubscribing when I saw the other players winning beautiful Prizes and me nothing!

But by dint of persisting with the luck that finally turned for me and I don't regret it!

It takes patience but it's worth it 🙁y): I wish you

a lot of Prizes

Have a good evening and 🍸

18/07/2007 20:55:14

why so much hate? stay with us, there are no other sites as serious... I hope I can change your mind. 🎤

04/07/2007 23:19:42

crevettedusud wrote: : ,oh well it's a
shame, so to unsubscribe you have to click on customer service, submit a request, then click on account and account and unsubscribe. Good day

Good evening opopope 🙋 You

are not well with us?

To unsubscribe nothing easier, just follow the recommendations of crevettedusud to the letter 🎤 Good

end of the evening and 🍸

03/07/2007 08:21:26

Oh well it's a shame, so to unsubscribe you need to click on customer service, submit a request, then click on account and authentication and unsubscribe. Have a good day

02/07/2007 16:30:29

how about unsubscribing?
Please answer me very quickly.

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