Player quojb posted a message on 17/09 10:02 on the Wonderz & QuoVerbis Forum: The descent into hell continues!. Answer him on Wonderz & QuoVerbis and exchange with other players - Page 7

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Subject :  The descent into hell continues!
06/10/2011 00:11:16

They must have judged it to be one of the only games where you could always win 150pt per Round, so they'll always increase the length until it's impossible to win the 150pt. Before we used to take 2 minutes per Round for the 1000m, for 2500m it was rather 4 minutes, now it will be 6 minutes if we can wait for the 4000m πŸ™ In

2 weeks it will be how much? 10'000m? πŸ™n):

05/10/2011 20:22:06

Good evening,

Now for 150 pts and 1000 Tickets, you have to cover 4000 meters.
Good luck πŸ™‹ I have only managed it
once since last Sunday. πŸ˜€ cdlt,

04/10/2011 09:20:03

Another drop in points on beaver X'trem 115 points for 3000 meters covered!!!!!!! Whereas a month ago we had to cover 1000 meters to get 150 points and 15 days 2500 meters to get 150 points but where are we going to stop!!!!
Couldn't we report changes in point scales to players?
Soon we'll take 15 minutes to Round a beaver Round!!!!!!!!

02/10/2011 23:33:33


02/10/2011 10:24:10

DreamCentury seems to want to privilege games on Facebook by giving them magnificent prizes at the expense of the original games.
A priori the "youth" target (on Facebook) that DreamCentury wants to seduce does not invest as much as players who are not on this social network...
We are therefore witnessing a system of communicating vases: to dress Paul we undress Peter!
But to disgust too much those who buy credits (by decreasing the points, removing the challenges...), DreamCentury risks to see its resources strongly decreasing πŸ™n):

30/09/2011 13:51:37

I thought I was going through a period of nullity because I had fewer tickets!!!
it would be nice if we could be informed of the different scales for converting points into tickets!!!

29/09/2011 14:30:37

the crisis is not a problem but there is no crisis when the Prizes the tournaments are TV led 126 3D, Ipad 2 ..... The dream takes away all the players to give to 4, 5 people. I am very happy to have won a robot vacuum cleaner tournament, but the interest of the site is less for everyone.

29/09/2011 00:56:49

On the one hand, I'm not surprised that the points won on many games are lowered, as well as the disappearance of the mega challange and the tic tac windows. Because of the crisis, there are far fewer people buying credits, so the profits are going down. So instead of Close shop, they prefer to reduce expenses here and there (less madpoint distributed free of charge = less prize to Confirm).
On the other hand, members are necessarily dissatisfied and less motivated to investSilver, a snowball effect.

When the crisis is over and members spend moreSilver again, I hope that game points will increase and that we will have the means to earn more.

In any case before it was possible to win Prizes by being assiduous (thanks to the tic tac and mega challange windows), without spending a fortune (I had to spend 10 or 15 euros) and I could have the Avatar collector DVD, 3 other DVD, 1 plush and other small prizes. On CadoVillage 1 DVD and 2 plush toys.
Now it's for sure that without the mega challange and without the tic tac showcase... there's no risk of winning much unfortunately (except by paying).

It should not be forgotten that DreamCentury can only live with the meagre advertising income (in addition the majority of ads are only for the sites themselves) and the purchases of credits

26/09/2011 10:38:20

At the same time there are so many games that really pay off on the web why stay here?

I am aware that I would have a minimum chance of winning a prize on CadoVillage et al...

When you see the window or a simple candle costs more than 100,000 points (whereas in trade it is only worth 1 euro).

Now I stay for the fun games and nothing else (since there is nothing else anyway).

26/09/2011 08:07:10

I am faithful to MadWin and have been for many years!
With my first account created at the time I had to spend 20 francs and I won a ps2!

Having lost my login details I re-registered a little bit deg considering my large number of points and by investing go with a few sms I won 20 euros, plush toys, a cobra clip, a dvd!

I don't try hard, I don't invest a lot, and I find it a real pleasure to Play on this site!
We can't win every time! but I think there are a lot of improvements on this site! before we had to invest in the prize cache, there our 15 free rounds allow us to click on it for free!

There are some people who would like to have everything without doing anything, it's just not possible!
Enjoy Play! Good games for everyone!πŸ˜‰

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